Now, I have a long history (I won't go so far as to say "distinguished") working with folks of all ages with all kinds of developmental disabilities. If you had asked me, pre-James, whether I could handle such a thing were it to occur in my family... I'd have given you the exact answer I gave the geneticist who asked me that question when I was pregnant with the Devil and they were concerned she might have an issue due to my "Advanced Maternal Age" (read: you're old): "HELL yes, I can 'handle' it. Who better than me?"
Oh, sure.
I'm all about the person-centered-planning, baby. I like those objectives measurable and those goals attainable. I'm meeting you where you are and respecting choice. I got your significant deviations from the mean and your projected milestones and your self-stim and your sensory integration and your facilitated communication right freakin' here. I speak Clinician, yo. That's how I roll!
Can someone please tell me, as I continue on my freshly-launched campaign to ensure that the rest of the world never sees James as anything but the person he is,
Will it always have to be all about the disability?
why not re define what normal is ? I mean we have this picture , based on average. Our children are extrodinary. Don't use average and normal as a yardstick to make him measure up "less than " ..
ReplyDeleteDefine him by HIS accomplishments .. whenever he gets there if ever ... kid ate a breadstick right? love you
If nobody knows what autism is...maybe it doesn't exist? Or maybe you can train yourself to pretend for a moment that it doesn't. Think of him as eccentric.